
"Mickey Slips", a new Tyler Cunningham story, is now available!

In lieu of visiting some tropical location for my Spring Break from LPCSD, I stayed at home and worked on writing and editing...and editing...and editing.

The good news is that I got to spend some quality time with my laptop, my dogs, and my editor.  I  polished a longish short story (15K+ words), wrote another short piece, planned a third, and did some planning for this summer's novel project.

"Mickey Slips" made it onto Amazon's website last night, and should be a fun read for people who enjoyed the adventures of Tyler Cunningham in "Here Be Monsters", as well as those who haven't made his acquaintance yet.

You can buy the book HERE, or 'borrow' it for free if you're an Amazon Prime member.  In either case, I'd appreciate a review after you've read it (if you've got the time).

There should be more shorts coming out every few weeks through the spring and summer, and I'm hoping to release the next novel in January of 2014.



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