It's a cold and blowy and snowy morning in the Adirondacks ... like many mornings between November and April, but this one is slightly different (
at least for me).
Today is my birthday. The Earth and I have have both completed another successful orbit around the star that makes our life possible.
I am in orbit (
and am orbited by) lots of people and places and things ... with longer or shorter orbital periods, depending.
Some, my wife and son and dogs and students and coworkers and bed and coffee and post-office and reading chair and cooking, are so tight/short that they are a blur and it can be hard to distinguish which is orbiting or being orbited.
Others, family and friends I wish that I saw more often or paddling my boat or sleeping in a hammock or visiting beloved places (like Key West and Iceland), have long and irregular orbital periods.
One orbiting phenomena that seems to be in sync with my birthday for the last few years is publishing my latest novel ... the third Tyler Cunningham Adirondack Mystery should publish today (
assuming the machinations Createspace and Amazon and KDP all work according to my plan, which they may).
I love writing, being a writer, and getting a chance each year to see what the next year is going to bring ... my plan is to live forever, and so far it's working quite nicely. I love the people and places in my life, and am both eager and anxious to see what the next year has in store for me (
and yes, I do know what happens in the next Tyler mystery already, although I don't get to write that until July or August, so we'll all have to wait awhile to see it).
Thanks for being a part of my life, my writing, and being within my orbit!