
Cover Design, Website Design, and Formatting

I've moved on to the next stages in preparing the book for publication.  It's being edited as you read this; after that edit, I'll give it a final going over for content, and then put it to bed.  While that's going on, I have started to think about the design process for the cover; a photographer is generating some hi-res pics for use in the cover, and I'm working through the process of what information goes on the front and back covers (as well as the Front/Back Matter).  Along with those mini-projects, I've been working my way through the steps involved in setting up my writer's website.  All of these projects will certainly take me through into early December.

My goal is to finish up editing work on the novel in the first two weeks of December, then shift into formatting mode (hopefully finishing before New Year's Day).  Once the formatting is completed, I'm hoping to get the book up and available in ebook and print formats by Mid-January.

I'll try to update weekly(ish) with progress reports.


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